Nifty future  opened at 11975.7 

price was in strong upmove and didnot fall 
we recommended buy above 11963
since price was above our buy rate recommendation so .
we bought around 11968.
our target 1 was 11984 target 2 was 12010 and target 3 was 12039  with stop loss of 11935. 
made a high of 12045 around 14.45 .. all targets achieved..
points earned 71. enjoy profit
happy trading......

I am not registered with SEBI under SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014. As per the clarifications provided by SEBI: “Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations”..This is not a recommendation for trade and posted for educational purpose.. I am not responsable for any loss
